She then cleverly says she will stop opposing the idea if someone else accompanies them.
Sella doesn't desist and has an "Eureka!" Moment when she realizes that they're having this conversation at Shirou's place. Shirou isn't able to say more than an incredulous "what?" at the Wacky Marriage Proposal. Illya nonchalantly declares him her "future consort", thus making it suddenly okay for him to escort her and again foiling Sella's attempt to cancel the date. When the above argument fails her, Sella changes her strategy and instead says that it's not proper for someone like Shirou to accompany her to an event like that. Illya easily counters this by saying she will rent the whole place for the day, thus making it "private" and invalidating the point Sella was trying to make. When Shirou invites Illya to the pool, Sella immediately objects, saying that it's not proper for a lady like the daughter of the Einzbern to go to a public place like Waku Waku Splash. Misery loves company, so Tohsaka goes and gets the only person who's as bad as her with technology to use the bidet - Saber. That creativity, that effectiveness, truly, it's the work of a god, or a demon, or.! Who in the world, where in the world, what race of people could possibly think to invent such a satanic device!? Tch, modern engineers are not to be taken lightly. Cue 30 laps of swimming hell and Shirou swearing that he'll never forget this ever again. And how does the entire thing end? Shirou accidentally beats Saber in a swim race without thinking, forgetting to his horror that Saber is a VERY Sore Loser. Shirou and Saber then meet Archer, and as Shirou and Archer immediately begin hating on each other, Lancer teases Saber. Cue Shirou DUNKING A HEROIC SPIRIT into the drink, and then spending the rest of the stay there obliviously embarrassing her as she keeps getting reminded of why she fell in love with him. The Funny Moments begin when Saber reveals that, being King Arthur, she is able to WALK on water. Shirou and Saber go on a swim date to the water park. Option B: Hope for the best, plan for the worst. But I can certainly see summoning a muscular Archer with these catalysts. Looks like the stars had other plans for the two of us. Saber thinks Rin's exercise equipment is 'catalysts' and concludes that Rin must have meant to summon her with them. Living in an otherwise uninhabited island and having bullies for older sisters meant that Medusa simply didn't have anything else to wear. Rule of Sexy aside, ever wondered why Rider wears a Minidress of Power with a short skirt as part of her Servant outfit? Well, the answer is equal parts logical and ridiculous: Rider's black dress turns out to be a hand-me-down from her sisters, the eternally youthful Stheno and Euryale, and she just outgrew it. Himuro: Maybe just companions would be better
Makidera: I don't want an underling like him!
Himuro: Then it'd be like a mafia boss with her henchman.
Saegusa: What if the two of you have a matching pair? If I'm the villain, then Emiya would be like a Mid-Boss. Shirou: At any rate, it'd fit Makidera better than me. Makidera: Keh! Why can't you just simply say that I'd look cool and elegant like a black panther!! Yes, a person does look naturally evil with their eyes covered.
Himuro: I can see what you're trying to say. Saegusa: R-Really? That means it's cool Right? Shirou: It'd definitely look like an evil villain straight out of an American comic.